To have your listing removed from White Pages online (obviously can't be removed if it's already printed in a book), you would need to ask for a silent line. From memory it costs $2.93/mth for this service.

Protect Your Privacy: White Pages How to Remove Listing How can I remove my listing information from WhitePages? Easy. To remove a home or work listing, just follow these three steps: Search WhitePages for the listing you want to remove. If your search includes multiple results, find and click on your name. On the Details page, scroll down to the bottom of the page. How to scrub your private data from 'people finder' sites I managed to remove my name from Spokeo, but a reverse lookup of my mobile phone number brings up my name and address. USA People Search Fill out the search criteria form to find your public profile.

How to Remove Your Public Listing

Remove Name from Whitepages in 5 Minutes | Apr 02, 2012 How to Remove My Name From the Internet WhitePages | Techwalla

Property records and other details on real estate websites are among the most common requests to remove information from the internet at Remove Online Information.. A handful of property records and real estate websites publish the personal details and addresses of individuals and businesses in the U.S.

Remove Yourself from All Background Check Web Sites: A An alarming number of sites publish your name, address, and other information online. If you want to remove your data from sites like ZabaSearch and, reddit user pibbman (via How To Remove Your Personal Information From MyLife.Com